Thursday, February 17, 2011


Verse 1:
Gotta have another heart transplant
Because mine again stopped beating
You’re gunna need to hold my hand
Long enough to stop the bleeding

Monitor my vitals on the EKG
Make sure that I don’t feel a thing
Stay with me while I’m unconscious please
We can’t part still grasping rings

I have to force myself asleep (Anesthesia)
Wondering if I’ll wake up breathing (Anesthesia)
I have to force myself awake (Anesthesia)
Wondering if I’m still dreaming (Anesthesia)

Verse 2:
This shouldn’t happen while we’re so young
Our spirits were not yet sedated
I need more than Novocain to feel numb
When the nature to believe is jaded

Just don’t let me fly away from you
Hold on to the strings of my kite
Someday we can in Eden start anew
We can’t lose faith in the love and light

I have to force myself asleep (Anesthesia)
Wondering if I’ll wake up breathing (Anesthesia)
I have to force myself awake (Anesthesia)
Wondering if I’m still dreaming (Anesthesia)

Verse 3:
I’m going under the knife
Will I be ok
Take me away

I have to force myself asleep (Anesthesia)
Wondering if I’ll wake up breathing (Anesthesia)
I have to force myself awake (Anesthesia)
Wondering if I’m still dreaming (Anesthesia)

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